My autobiography

Hi, my name is Nicole Saavedra, I am 21 years old; I study biochemistry at the faculty of chemistry and pharmaceutical science of the University of Chile.
Well, i was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1995, but, when i only had two months of life my family moved to Santiago of Chile, where I lived in the house of my grandma up to four years, until 1999, when we move to another house (our house) in the district of Puente Alto.
Now I live with my mom, my sister and my daughter. My daughter is four years old, she is a cheerful little girl, she is the most important person in my life, I love her. My mom's name is Lili, she is 60 years old and my sister's name is Ariana, she is my twin sister. I have two more sisters, Andrea and Margarita, they are also twins, and they are 35 years old now, but they are not living with us.
In my free time I like to watch movies, read and sleep.


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