Why did you choose your career?

When I was 3 years old, I had strange disease, being hospitalized weeks, where I could not walk. Well, after a few weeks, I left the hospital without telling me anything about what I had, since it was not known that it was. From that moment I knew that it had to be in my life: Scientific <3
 After leaving hospital, my dream was to find cure for some unknown disease. 
I've always wanted to work in science, since I was 3 , I never wanted to become anything but scientific.
Obviously, I hadn't a big idea about what “becomes a scientific” means, but I always thought about it and I really wanted to understand it.
Choose was not that easy like sound. I had a clear idea, until I was in the last year of school. So many careers cross my mind, because, I really want to choose a single career and the same thing for the rest of my live? NO!
 Consider studying biotechnology, biochemistry, psychology, medical technology. I did not make a decision until I had to answer the university application, and well, here I am, studying my second year of biochemistry.
Obviously, I would like to work in scientific research, but because to live you need money, I would like to work in clinical biochemistry, which is a little closer to what I really wanted.
We will see what will happen in the future
Wish me luck
**** I decided at the end, simply because they only accepted me here XD


  1. The clinical area is a good option also the forensic area but you need more specialization (doctorate / magister)

  2. Since you were three years old !! :ooo
    Good luckkk!


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