How green are you?

Getting serious about recycling means starting with truly ...

Alluding to the post about the person I would like to meet and about what he has done, I realize that I have always been interested in the subject of recycling and the care we should take with the environment.
I have noticed since I can remember, that all the people or the majority do not take the real importance that has the care of the nature and it is for this reason that by own account I have investigated in this subject and with the help of the tools that we have to hands such as is the Internet I have taken the true weight of this topic. That is why I have decided and I have proposed to practice the recycling issue in my home, separating in containers the different types of waste and thus, somehow contribute with the care and minimum responsibility that each person should have so as to generate changes that favor the care of the environment.

Another way to support or contribute to the care of nature is to use my bicycle as much as possible and when it is favorable to me. Before I used to practice it for a sporty theme and ease when moving, but after and being aware of the pollution that exists in the place where I live (Santiago) I help in some way to contribute to this, trying to avoid the use of any other means of transport that emits gases.

At some point I would love to be or be part of some organization that supports the care of the planet, but because of my condition as a student and mother I do not have enough time so as to devote to that, however, and as I mentioned before, I have always tried to contribute and help in some way with the care of nature and that is why I recycle as much as I can, I use my bike, I prefer glass or metal containers or objects rather than plastic things, I also take shorter showers in order to generate even a small change and generate awareness that this resource is becoming more and more limited.

I wish we could all do one or more of the things I mentioned before and it would be great if in Santiago there were campaigns to promote the reduction of the carbon footprint that we are leaving, such as points or green areas in more places and easy to access.


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