The worst place I have been

Hello again. I've been thinking about what would be the worst place I've been and I can't really think of anything, since my family never traveled for economic reasons and the places I've visited are really beautiful, however, my choice would be a city I visit once when I travel to Peru, its name is Juliaca. This city is in the southeast of Peru. In this city is celebrated every year between February and March a festivity in honor of the ''Pachamama'' where a great carnival takes place.

It is said that the name Juliaca comes from the Quechua voices ''Xullaskca kaipi'' (it had drizzled) in allusion to the fact that when the Inca armies arrived there, chasing the Collas, they noticed that it was drizzling in this place, although it is also said that it comes from the Quechua voices ''Shulla Qaqa'' (dew of the rock) due to the fact that in the surroundings of the Huaynarroque and Santa Cruz hills small particles of quartz can be seen, which resemble the morning dew that falls on the rocks. I should also mention that this city is close to Lake Titicaca, too bad I could not visit that place.

Well, as I said at the beginning, I didn't know which place to choose, so that my choice was due to the fact that I had a bad time in this place, which, although it was a small stop in our trip, I disliked the atmosphere too much, the people the same, since I felt insecure all the time, besides there were no hygienic places.I can't say that I totally know Juliaca, but where I had to wait a couple of hours for the bus to continue my trip and the places that I could visit from there I disliked, but I can't say that I don't visit it, moreover, I would say that you should visit its touristic places to change my opinion, since I didn't know it completely.


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